Wednesday 22 May 2013

Picture Diary: Gestating nicely

Sometimes words aren't enough to express a feeling.

2013 has had a bloody awful start (to put it mildly). But, I'm taking my time to get back on my feet and I'm learning the value of just keeping myself to myself, keeping my head down and getting on with my own business.

I think I learned self-insulation as a teenager (as most do). And, while I tried to shed those surly teenage trappings I'm finding that it does serve a purpose sometimes to tone down the gregariousness and just be in your own space. It's like a gestation period.

Some people might look at this drawing and think it's grim, but to me it's not. Yes, there's a pile of shit at the top. But, there's a sun somewhere behind those clouds and rain is falling which will nurture the seed and eventually out will spring a new me (or I'll get water-logged and root rot. Who can say?). Who knows, maybe some kind gardener will come along and help cultivate me, but if not, I'll still be growing wild and free.


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