Tuesday 25 January 2011

Arbea babies, vol 1 - Kittens

I've been reediting the first few chapters to simplify them. So, in order to make my writing more suitable for a younger crowd time to start thinking like a tiny tot! So, this is me kicking off my kids illustration series. I need to have a bit more fun with my writing and nothing puts a smile on my face like remembering the good times as a kid.

First up, baby Rhe'zans. Who doesn't love kittens?! These ferocious felines start out as big-eyed frisky furballs. What do you think? I kind of want one.

Tuesday 18 January 2011

Rhe'zans on the loose

My first illustration of the year, my new favourite thing to draw... Rhe'zans (pronounce Rey-hay-zahn). They're the feral species that also share the world with humanecs (humans). This is Ream'l (pronounced Reem-hel). He's the outcast prince of the Rhe'zan ruling family. He's a bit spoiled, and a bit angry that he's been made to make his own way in the world as part of becoming the king.

I enjoy drawing Rhe'zans because there's lots of scope for good motion. They have hair everywhere so it's a chance to create lots of flowing bits .

If you want to check out the size scale, see my post from last last July, 'We are not alone'
