Wednesday 13 March 2013

Final drawings: Pencil perfect

I'm embarking on a final edit of Book 1 this spring. And as I do, I realised I need to do some final drawings. There are a few that are done, like those of Gemmy when he's transformed and Gravander. These characters were so clear in my mind that they came out on paper right away. But there are some characters that need to be defined. For example, I've never quite had Nereth's face in my head. And some that just need a proper portrait done like Sem who is clear in my head I've just not done her justice in drawing (So far the only one that I've liked I did in 2010. Might just redraft it into a final).

The final drawings in the book I think will be the simple black and white pencil drawings. I like the dreamy quality of pencil on paper. It allows your brain to fill in the fantastic while suggesting reality.

For a starter, I've redone my sketch of Gemmy in his school uniform. There's something about the original that I like as I think in the new version he's a bit too gawky. What do you think?

Gemmy uniform, 2011
Gemmy redrawn, 2013
Gemmy... finally - pencil on paper

Here's a new drawing of the girls as discovered in the lab. I like the concept of the two standing together, Lauta, brash and ready, protecting yet teaming up with Ilä. But I will definitely need to rethink it. Small inconsistency, they don't get their haircuts until well after they're out of the lab and would not be wearing their suits. They both have long matted hair at the start. Below is what the drawing should really be. I like Lauta's ferocity in the second also, her proportions are better (FYI - her body is meant to look slightly distended. It's one of her physical 'defects').

Ilä and Lauta
The girls as first encountered - Pencil on paper



  1. I think i prefer the first drawing of Gemmy. I think his pose, particularly the angle of his head and width of his neck, are a bit more natural.

    1. Yeah, I agree TD. I think I'll have redraw it all together though. There's a few details on the first that are missing like his school tie and freckles. But, practice makes perfect and I want them to be flawless.

    2. I think it's his posture that I like. The first one seems apprehensive and not that confident whereas the second he is a lot more confident and i kind of read that as cockiness. Redraw might be the way to go but you have a good base to work with. Good luck :)
