Thursday 20 April 2017

Back in the queue

So, after 15 years, my comic strip, Back of the Queue, has reared its bumpy, peculiar head.

Back of the Queue started when I was in college, published in the Yale Daily News. It was (mostly) a light-hearted look at university life and bumbling through what is now coined as 'imposter syndrome'. But, as the stress of study mounted it became too difficult to maintain and the comics themselves ended in a blaze of glory.

Alas, I've now jumped into the foray of 'putting myself out there', entering my first novel writing competition and sending samples to agents. It's the first time in a while I feel that giddy exhilaration of the unknown; starting out towards something bigger. I've always enjoyed drawing comics as a way to express what's in my head. I've got a fairly dark sense of humour and drawing means I don't have to tell people what I'm giggling about with a stream of caveats.

Sending off my first competition entry was terrifying and the only way I could think to describe the feeling was, "It's like dropping your baby down a well and hoping it somehow makes it's way back up". You take this thing you love and let it go into the abyss of the wide-world, pitting it against hundreds of other people's beloved, possibly never to see it return with anything more than a "No thanks. Your baby ain't that cute." But still, despite the risk, you hope and drop that baby in.

Themo H Peel - Back of the Queue - writing competition

So, Back of the Queue has returned. Not sure if it's a one off reunion or if more might be waiting to come out. I do have a few ideas for my other comic, Redshirt Dead, that are all sketched out. Perhaps I'll put the finishing touches on those. Who knows? Either way, keeping myself distracted while I wait on competition returns and procrastinating against finishing book edits could yield some interesting results!

Hope you enjoy!

Buy 'Black Star' or 'Spirit Shear' on Amazon in the UK and US
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