Friday 3 March 2017

A closer look at modern Albion

Themo H Peel - eunan-sìdhe - Scots Gaelic for bird fairy
eunan-sìdhe - A fairy - ink on paper
The King Arthur Returns edits are going well. I've had some great feedback from friends on the story and have lots of bits and pieces to update and add to make the story richer.

One of the best parts of this is really getting into who the characters are and what they look like. I'm picking up lots of small details now that I can see their faces. It tells me more about who they are, how they stand and move when they react to certain situations.

One of my favourite characters from the book are the sìdhe. The book is a combination of the modern and the mythical. And what Celtic myth would be complete without a visit from the fae folk. This little guy on the right is an eunan-sìdhe - or wee bird fairy for all you non-Gaelic speakers.  

Themo H Peel - Pascent and Eopa
Pencil on paper
Some of the more human characters are coming into focus as well. I love getting to look them in the eyes and really find out what they're about. One of the characters, Pascent, carries an umbrella that has a story all its own to tell! Hmm....

The details are building and the trick will be deciding which details are necessary to get a real feel for their characters without giving too much away.

Realer than real

The picture below of Miss Yattrick, the infamous history teacher at Ash and Ana's school, really came into focus a wee while ago. I was in a class when a woman who looked like a wicked schoolmarm walked into the room. I actually gasped because it was like someone had taken the ideas in my head and created a person from them!

Before this I had a description of Miss Yattrick in writing and in my head. But, she was still just a nebulous collection of physical characteristics. There in front of me was a living and breathing embodiment of my character. I instantly took a break from what I was doing and started sketching because it was too good an opportunity to pass up (you try whipping out a sketchbook in the middle of a tai chi class). The description of Yattrick in the book hasn't changed much from it but now, when I write I can see her sneer, the darting of her eyes as she looks to find fault, the stooping gate heavy with malicious intent. I don't think this woman would be all too flattered, but hey, I didn't tell her to get that haircut.
Themo H Peel - Miss Yattrick
Miss Yattrick - pencil on paper

I actually keep seeing people that look like my characters. It's a bit spooky to suddenly bump into someone that was just imaginary. Maybe it's because they're on my mind more now. Or maybe I'm just seeing the world through the lens of Albion. Either way, it's making this latest draft of King Arthur Returns all the richer. Let's just hope I don't start running into some of the more dangerous elements of the book - not sure I'd like to run into an actual dragon without Excalibur handy!

Hope you enjoy!

Buy 'Black Star' or 'Spirit Shear' on Amazon in the UK and US
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