Wednesday 29 October 2014

Animakeover for Christmas

Well, it should be Manga makeover, but you get the gist.

So, it's time to start designing my annual Christmas card. Every year I try to think of what the biggest things in my year have been but also if I could have one thing for Christmas what it would be. I then theme my card accordingly.

I realised this was a year of new things and renewals. So, for my card this year I decided to renew my childhood adoration of manga. So, I'll be taking the characters from Emersus Project and drawing them in the style of Kishimoto-sensei's world famous manga, Naruto, which comes to an end next month after 15 years!

Themo H Peel - Gemmy - Naruto style
Gemmy - Kishimoto style

Themo H Peel - Naruto
Mhetli, Sem and Mercy
Gemmy and co started out as manga characters way back in the 90s when I first conceived of the story. I was absolutely obsessed with Akira Toriyama's Dragon Ball. One of my more recent manga loves is Naruto by Masashi Kishimoto (or Kishimoto Masashi). So, I've been rereading The Art of Naruto: Uzumaki where Kishimoto-sensei takes us on a step-by-step journey through his illustration process.

So, this year I'll be walking in Kishimoto-sensei's footsteps to make my Christmas card. Here's the rest of the gang as if they'd stepped into Kishimoto's world. More character designs to follow.

Other blog posts on this year's Christmas card:
The holiday Arbeas differs from Christmas in many ways - 'Christmas colours'
Hoba is better than Santa I think. His mythology is wayyyyy creepier - Hoba is better than Santa


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