"Sem’s bangs had been cut bluntly, and very unevenly, high on her brow. At the beginning of the summer she had dyed her hair a bright red. And now, her hair just long enough to be pulled back sharply into a pony tail, it showed off a full two inches of her natural yellow colouring springing from her scalp. Her bangs, which just the day before had also showed the same tell-tale sign of time passing, had lost their edge of red and now only her natural buttery-yellow hair colour sat above her equally yellow eye-brows... Sem’s eyes, though the same green as her mother’s and more than sufficient for seeing with, were admittedly narrow and shrewd. To compensate she had taken to drawing heavy mascara lines under her lower lids which actually made the problem worse. O had even thought, sometimes, that she might actually be pretty if she stopped drawing unnecessary attention to her eyes and quit dying her hair such strange colours."
Originally Sem was going to be named Ben (Benjanine). I had come up with her father's name, Raephite Grimm, completley indepently when I first started jotting down ideas for the story. But, once I put two and two together, I realised she would then be 'Ben Grimm' which is also the name of none-other-than Thing from the Fantastic Four. So, I either had to make her a craggy rock creature and potentially be sued by Marvel Comics or I had to come up with another name. So, I thought, Sem, was an equally fitting unisex sort of name.
Sem is O's best friend. They went to the same school and became friends once O rose to fame as the kid who blew up the school gym (No, you Buffy fans, he did not burn it down, he actually blew it up. And no he did not do it because it was not graduation and the mayor had turned into a giant snake demon.).
Anyway, above is a first drawing and description of our heroine.